What is NUCCA Chiropractic?
The NUCCA chiropractic approach is a highly effective and remarkably gentle treatment for migraine headaches, lower back pain relief, vertigo, and a host of chronic pain issues that often do not respond well to other treatment options. The procedure is soundly grounded on engineering principles of mathematics, physics, and biomechanics that enable the doctor to precisely, gently, and painlessly restore balance to the upper cervical (neck) spine which translates into whole body balance and improved nerve function.

Safe & Gentle

Highly Effective

Scientifically Based
3D composite x-rays to measure your specific spinal misalignment which helps your chiropractor determine how best to adjust and correct it.
3D post x-rays to ensure that your misalignment is corrected
One light contact point, so your chiropractor can make spinal corrections without any of the traditional twisting, popping, or cracking
What makes a NUCCA Chiropractor different?
One of the major differences of the NUCCA chiropractic method from other, more traditional chiropractic and medical treatments is its extremely gentle and non-invasive nature. NUCCA chiropractors apply a carefully planned chiropractic adjustment to the first cervical vertebra (also known as the atlas or C1); therefore the correction causes no discomfort to the patient. Patients arrive at the Greensburg office already in great need of relief, so it is Dr. Tim’s goal to deliver relief without any additional distress.
Substantial relief is often experienced immediately after the very first chiropractic treatment, with welcome improvements in both mobility and comfort level. Chiropractor Dr. Tim tailors an individualized Chiropractic Success Plan to promote and sustain optimal healing and pain relief for each of his patients. The Chiropractic Success Plan both speeds and strengthens healing by correcting the underlying cause, stabilizing the spinal correction, and optimizing healing through nutrition, exercise, and stress balance.
NUCCA stands for the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association. The NUCCA chiropractic method of spinal correction and natural pain relief is a scientifically-based, thoroughly researched, and well-documented approach that is best practiced by a NUCCA chiropractic doctor. Dr. Tim is one of only three doctors in Pennsylvania that utilizes NUCCA Upper Cervical Health Care.
NUCCA chiropractors receive referrals from physicians of the Mayo Clinic, primary care MDs, other chiropractors, and a wide variety of other health care practitioners. Many of Dr. Tim’s patients travel from other counties and states for relief from lower back pain, fibromyalgia pain, vertigo, migraine headaches, and myriad other conditions. Promising research has shown a relationship between NUCCA chiropractic care and blood pressure improvement, TMJ relief, as well as positive effects on numerous body systems.
Hear directly from my patients about how NUCCA helped them with conditions such as asthma, TMJ, trigeminal neuralgia, whiplash, and more.