How can I determine if upper cervical care is suitable for me?

Upper cervical chiropractic care can provide benefits to individuals of all ages. Particularly, anyone who has undergone an accident or injury, irrespective of its nature, should undergo a spine evaluation for potential misalignments and nerve injuries. The detrimental effects of spinal misalignment and nervous system irritation or injury underscore the importance of prompt spinal assessment following any injury.

Can upper cervical care offer relief if other treatments have been ineffective?

It’s important to recognize that spinal misalignment can lead to various health complications. An upper cervical chiropractor specializes in identifying and correcting a specific condition known as Atlas Subluxation Complex, which alleviates nervous system irritation and facilitates the body’s recovery process. Unlike other healthcare modalities such as medication, physical therapy, rehabilitation, massage therapy, and acupuncture, which may not address spinal misalignment, upper cervical care targets the root cause of body imbalance and discomfort. Therefore, if you’ve tried other treatments without success, we recommend seeking evaluation by an upper cervical chiropractor promptly.

How safe is upper cervical care?

Upper cervical care stands as one of the safest healthcare options available today. Patients undergoing this treatment experience no discomfort or risk during adjustments. Unlike many other modern healthcare methods that may entail negative side effects or irreversible dangers, upper cervical spinal correction is remarkably gentle. We prioritize safety and effectiveness throughout the entire process, taking every precaution to ensure your well-being.

Why does the doctor focus on adjusting my upper neck area when my issue seems to be in my mid-back, lower back, arms/hands, or legs/feet?

The rationale behind targeting the upper neck area for adjustments lies in the ease of detection, measurement, and correction of spinal misalignments. Using the top bone in the spine as a lever allows for realignment of the skull, the entire spine, and the pelvis. When the spine is misaligned, it can lead to injury and irritation of the nervous system, particularly the brainstem, at any level within the spine. Consequently, discomfort and dysfunction can manifest anywhere in the body. By addressing the upper neck, the doctor aims to correct the entire spinal structure, as it serves as an entry point for comprehensive adjustment.

Why do I sometimes receive adjustments even when I feel well?

Ensuring timely correction of spinal misalignment reduces the likelihood of experiencing discomfort symptoms. Your upper cervical doctor may recommend further adjustments if your spine hasn’t fully realigned, despite the absence of symptoms. Regular check-ups to maintain alignment can prevent future issues from arising, significantly enhancing your overall health by preserving proper spinal alignment throughout your lifetime.

How frequently should I have my spine checked after symptom relief?

Upon achieving relief and recovery, transitioning to a wellness care plan is highly recommended. This plan typically entails monthly or quarterly check-ups to uphold alignment, promote overall well-being, and bolster vitality. Opting for wellness care over crisis care is always advantageous in maintaining optimal health.

Why isn't recovery a faster process?

The fundamental principle of upper cervical care lies in the body’s innate ability to grow, heal, and maintain itself with proper care. Once spinal alignment is restored and nervous system irritation alleviated, the body can commence its natural healing and recovery processes. Recovery timelines vary for each individual, but maintaining a positive mindset and exercising patience significantly enhances the likelihood of complete recovery. Additionally, doctors may offer recommendations regarding nutrition, exercise, rest, and lifestyle behaviors to expedite recovery. Active involvement in one’s care accelerates the recovery process.

Do you provide upper cervical care for children?

Certainly! Children’s growth, development, and healing are facilitated through their nervous system. Hence, optimal nervous system function is vital for their well-being. Regular spine checks for misalignment are particularly important for young children, as prolonged nervous system distress can have severe long-term effects. Numerous research studies affirm the safety and effectiveness of upper cervical care for children. It’s a safe, painless, and drug-free approach that greatly enhances children’s health and wellness.

What are the causes of spinal misalignment?

Spinal misalignment, often attributed to Atlas Subluxation Complex Syndrome, can stem from three primary factors:

  • Physical trauma stands as the leading cause, with accidents and injuries being prevalent in modern society. Examples include automobile collisions, sports-related injuries, household falls, traumatic childbirth, and workplace incidents.
  • Chemical toxicity poses another common cause, as prolonged exposure to hazardous substances in the environment can weaken spinal connective tissues. This weakening leads to spinal bones shifting out of alignment, resulting in nerve injury. Examples of chemical toxins include excessive medication use, exposure to pesticides, artificial additives in foods, personal hygiene products, cleaning agents, as well as various chemicals encountered in the workplace. The vast number of chemicals registered for use by the US government, currently totaling 80,000, significantly contributes to chronic illness.
  • Stressful thoughts and emotions represent a third cause of spinal misalignments. Continual exposure to high-stress situations can lead to fatigue in both the body and spinal structure, potentially resulting in misalignment. Intense stressors and emotionally disruptive relationships often manifest in serious physical symptoms.

Does upper cervical care cause pain?

Absolutely not! Upper cervical care involves no twisting, popping, or cracking of your head, neck, or back. It’s an exceptionally gentle procedure, with many individuals, including babies, finding it so relaxing that they fall asleep during treatment. Rest assured, we perform corrections without any physical manipulation, ensuring a pain-free experience while providing spinal care.

How safe is upper cervical care?

Absolutely not! Upper cervical care involves no twisting, popping, or cracking of your head, neck, or back. It’s an exceptionally gentle procedure, with many individuals, including babies, finding it so relaxing that they fall asleep during treatment. Rest assured, we perform corrections without any physical manipulation, ensuring a pain-free experience while providing spinal care.

I'm concerned about x-ray exposure. Are x-rays necessary, and what measures are taken to limit exposure?

Your worries about x-ray exposure are understandable, but it’s important to note that the exposure is minimal. Our clinical experience has shown that the effects of spinal misalignment on the body are far more detrimental than the exposure from five cervical spine x-rays. X-ray series are essential for assessing the severity and direction of spinal misalignment. Upper cervical doctors employ safety equipment and protocols to minimize exposure, and our x-ray machine undergoes regular inspection by the Pennsylvania Bureau of EPA.

Here’s a comparison of x-ray exposure levels from various healthcare procedures:

  • Upper cervical x-ray series: < .22 millirems
  • Dental x-rays (per x-ray): 910 millirems
  • CAT scan: 4,500 millirems
  • Barium enema (x-ray study): 8,000 millirems
  • Radiation therapy for cancer: 6,000,000 millirems

Why don't I always receive adjustments when I'm experiencing discomfort?

The primary aim of upper cervical care is to identify and rectify spinal misalignment. Occasionally, the spine may begin to maintain proper alignment before specific symptoms alleviate. If your upper cervical doctor confirms that your alignment is being sustained during assessment, you can trust in your body’s ongoing recovery process. It’s essential to understand that recovery takes time and is a gradual journey rather than an instantaneous event. In the event that you are holding your alignment and you are having symptoms other therapeutic procedures can be administered such as Vibration Therapy, Class IV Laser Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy, and targeted Stretches and Exercises to alleviate symptoms.

How can I tell if my alignment has been lost?

Following a successful spinal alignment, individuals often notice numerous positive changes in their overall health. If alignment is lost, they may experience a recurrence of previously relieved symptoms. It’s crucial to seek immediate spinal evaluation upon experiencing discomfort symptoms. Prolonged misalignment can exacerbate symptoms, underscoring the importance of prompt correction to restore comfort and functionality.

How soon can I expect improvement?

Most patients notice a significant improvement immediately after their initial spinal correction. Throughout the first week of care, benefits such as extended pain relief, improved sleep quality, enhanced energy levels, symptom alleviation, and proper organ function continue to manifest. Typically, complete relief from primary complaints occurs within 6-12 weeks from the initial appointment. The long-term benefits of upper cervical care include an enhanced immune system, heightened energy levels, reduced stress and tension, proper organ function, improved performance and mental clarity, a strong sense of vitality, and prevention of future health issues.

Is it safe to perform x-rays and provide care for pregnant women?

Absolutely! Rigorous precautions are implemented to ensure the safety of pregnant women and their developing babies. X-rays are specifically targeted at the head and neck region, minimizing exposure to radiation. Furthermore, a full lead apron shields the baby from any radiation. Upper cervical care during pregnancy is crucial as the mother’s nervous system influences the baby’s development. This care promotes the health of both the mother and the baby, often resulting in easier childbirth and reduced medical intervention during delivery.


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